spotlightLynn Battaglia

Samantha Rosenwald

spotlightLynn Battaglia
Samantha Rosenwald

Samantha’s exhibition Lepidoptery is on view with EVE LEIBE GALLERY in London from today, 18th to 24th January 2021. Check it out online here.

Whose work are you loving these days?

Hm that’s tough. Because in-person art shows are limited and things have moved largely online, I’ve been hyper-aware of the art I’m seeing on Instagram and of virtual shows. There are so many amazing artists I’ve learned of during COVID. Some of my favorite new discoveries are Jessie Makinson, Sun Woo, Aaron Elvis Jupin, and Adam Amram

What book is on your nightstand?

Edible Woman by Margaret Atwood

Your practice in 5 #


What’s on your mind?

Sex and Food

How does the body - yours and others' - influence your work?

Oh, a great deal. I’ve been thinking a lot about consumption -- of food, of culture, of style. The female body is so heavily regulated by its outside environment, she often feels pressure to starve or limit consumption, yet this concomption is reciprocated back onto her -- culture consumes her with a ravenous appetite. The female body becomes this thing, this object, that is totally stripped of its autonomy. It becomes this social trophy we must continue to cultivate and preserve and perfect. It must reflect the mores of its surroundings, and it must do so quietly, perfectly, and modestly. I’ve been meditating on these themes of consumption and fetishization and letting them enter into my work, often in the form of surreal metaphors.

Samantha lives and works in Los Angeles, USA.


January 2021