Marina Iglesias

Marina Iglesias

Whose work are you loving these days?

A few months ago I discovered Leonora Carrington by pure chance, I was surprised that I had not discovered her before, that she was not talked about during my period at school, or at the university. I’m struck by that world of her own that she have built, the qualities of her painting and the imperfections she made.

What book is on your nightstand?

The Call of Cthulhu and other Weird Stories by H.P. Lovecraft

Your practice in 5 #


What’s on your mind?


How does the body - yours and others' - influence your work?

Through the idea of how the senses build our reality. I'm interested in the way that our senses limit how far we can perceive reality and our body always prioritizes that perception based on our survival. In this manner, our experiences are subjective. We can embrace this idea culturally or scientifically and both are in the same line most of the time.

Marina lives and works in Valencia, Spain.


May 2021